Ten Things I Learned from Inspiring Women

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I attended the Canada’s Farm Progress Show Empowering Women Conference last month.

The three-hour event, held in the AGT Lounge at Mosaic Stadium, featured four businesswomen who shared their stories.

Dianna Emperingham is former director of product supply at BayerCropScience.

Joan Heath is past chair and past vice-chair of SaskCanola.

Deb Button is the former mayor of Weyburn.

Rachel Mielke is the founder and chief executive officer of Hillberg & Berk Jewellery.

I left the conference feeling inspired and motivated.

I would like to share 10 things I learned from the quartet of inspiring women.

  1. Celebrate your achievements.
  2. Get to know your colleagues and show them you care.
  3. Seek a mentor to advise you on your career. A mentor means something different to everyone. Surround yourself with amazing people. What really matters is the connections you make.
  4. Set your own goals. Don’t let someone else set your goals for you. Assess where you are today. Is where you are enough?
  5. Take care of you. Triage your stress. Ask yourself, “Is this going to matter in five minutes? In one hour? One day? Two days? Five days? Five weeks? What is the worst-possible scenario?” Find a way to recharge so you are better equipped to deal with stress.
  6. Shape your future through the choices you make. Follow your passion. Your primary role is to dream and dream big. Don’t be afraid to soar to the highest levels. Look for what inspires and motivates you. Opportunities unfold at the right time. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities and be ready when they come. Seize those opportunities even when they present themselves as challenges.
  7. Accept that some things are beyond your control. The sooner you can move on from disappointment, the better. You learn more lessons from your failures than your successes.
  8. Always trust your instincts. They’re usually right.
  9. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know something. It’s okay not to have all the answers and to ask for help.
  10. Show up.